Our Privacy Promise to You:
We understand that your privacy is very important to you, and we are committed to protecting it. This privacy statement explains how we guard the personal information you give us when accessing our website, how we use your personal information, and any personal information you provide us will be used to evaluate your case. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to discuss the merits of your case. For example, we might share your personal information with a doctor who is helping us evaluate your claim.
We use return email addresses to answer the email we receive. If you request it, we also provide periodic e-newsletters. Such addresses are not used in any other way and are not shared with outside parties.
The Abourezk & Garcia website contains links to various websites of third party providers. If you have accessed third party websites through the Abourezk & Garcia website, those third party websites should contain their own privacy statements and those third parties are responsible for informing you about their own privacy practices.
Reprint Policy:
You are welcome to reprint the materials that are provided on this website. We request only that if you decide to reprint information to other websites or on a hardcopy, you please provide credit to the authors of the material.